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Open To The Open
CrossFit Open 24.2 “Where there’s a pulse there’s a purpose.” - Darnell Epps The CrossFit Open is an annual test of fitness for more than [...]
Quitters Day 2025
Nicole on our first rower in January 2010. (We still have it.) “Happiness is a direction, not a place.”- Tony Robbins Deep Squats (Thoughts) Quitters [...]
Growing Pains
16th Annual New Year’s Day “Murph” “Be prepared to grow through pain.” - Herb Brooks Deep Squats (Thoughts) I’ve often wondered why I enjoy looking [...]
Always Something New
16th Annual New Year’s Day Murph, 9amNOTE: This workout is scalable like every other. “What are the consequences if nothing changes?” - Unknown I [...]
Fitness Where You Are
Elise dropped into a gym in Huatulco, Mexico. “Never forget that everyone needs encouragement.”- John Maxwell Sudheesh dropped in at Jump Ship CrossFit in Lahaina. (Pictured w/Coach Kaila.) [...]
CFPA Holiday Movie Guide
The CrossFit tweens/teens went ice skating at Winter Lodge and did a gift exchange. “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”- [...]