Now I Lay Me

“Complexity undermines execution.” – Alan Stein Jr

Tims Deep Squats (Thoughts)

The following is an expanded reposting/update from December of last year. The topic of sleep and sleep aids came up in class and there was a LIVELY discussion. If 3-4 people in one class are wondering about it, then it’s worth revisiting.

It’s getting colder, darker and we all want to sleep more. That doesn’t always mean we get to. So make the most of the sleep you do get with these recommendations.

The Eight Sleep Pod Cover has been rated as “The Best Gift” I have ever given to Kristen. (My wife.) It’s a mattress topper that has programmable temperatures to optimize your sleeping. It has saved us money by allowing the window to stay closed in the winter and saved us from a lot of fighting over bed coverings. We have the 2nd Generation mattress cover and they now offer Gen 3 and Gen 4 models. Use this link for a big discount: (There are lots of these mattress pads now. This is just the one that I use and can vouch for.)

Another item discussed was The Pillow Cube. It’s kinda funny to say I use a squared/cubed pillow. But it’s worth it. Good for side sleepers and those that get those neck/shoulder “sleep injuries”. 4 out of 4 humans in our house use pillow cubes. I recently bought the travel size because I hate hotel pillows. There are knockoffs on Amazon, but I can’t vouch for them. After last year’s email, we have had a lot of converts to pillow cubes. Note: I use the thicker version and the others in our house use the thinner.

These are the biggest needle movers for me and my sleep setup. While I’m at it, I’ll share some other tips below in “TIMFLUENCING” that I use to help me get the most rest and the most out of my rest.

Send me an email with your tips and tricks for sleep.

What’s Going On?

CrossFit Teens – Fall Session

Who: Boys and Girls aged 12-17

Dates: October 1st – November 21st

When: Tuesdays/Thursdays at 4pm

Led by: Coach Rebecca

*Email [email protected] to sign up*

Coaching Opportunities at CFPA

Ever think about coaching? Maybe you know someone that would be a great coach.

Let’s have a conversation.

Send me an email: [email protected]

Overheard in Class:

“Fitness is to health as weather is to climate.”


Continuing with the Sleep Theme from above, here are some other things that I do/try to do for better sleep/rest.

I take a CBD tincture every night before bed. There’s no THC in this and I’ve used the same brand for more than 5 years. They have lots of different products. Check them out at Santa Cruz Medicinals. I don’t have a discount code, but you can get 20% off by signing up for the emails. Note: I like strawberry, mango and watermelon flavors.

I also take a Magnesium supplement from Puori called M3. The combination of the CBD and Magnesium works great. I have no issues with falling and staying asleep.

Night Guards. I have worn a night guard for my teeth since 2003. My latest try at a new one is the cheapest one I’ve tried and I really like it. It’s called the Airwaav RX1 and keeps you from grinding your teeth and helps position your tongue when you sleep.

I have never taken melatonin so I can’t speak to its effects. I have read that it can disrupt your natural hormone levels and create a dependency. Studies also show that getting direct sunlight on your eyeballs each day will get your own melatonin production on track.

There are some other sleep environment things we use. And some we don’t.

We do not have a TV in our bedroom. Phones are plugged in and used as alarms and I try not to scroll in bed. No computers/tablets in bed.

Blackout shades are awesome and highly recommended. (Kristen likes a blackout mask.)

Side note: I’m preparing a big email about supplements, vitamins, habits and rituals. I’d love to know some of the routines you use to prioritize health/wellness/fitness/longevity or any questions you may have.

Other tips can be found HERE in a PDF from Robb Wolf.

Thank you for your support.

I look forward to what we will do together.