The Way of the Champion

“What we can control is our performance and our execution, and that’s what we’re going to focus on.” – Bill Belichick
Games Squats (Thoughts)
CrossFit is competitive. It draws on, and feeds, our very nature to compete, survive and thrive. We do this daily in class with ourselves and our classmates. And we do it in organized competition like the CrossFit Games with its standardized testing to rank the best exercisers.
I mentioned before that 9 of our members qualified for Quarterfinals after The Open. These nine were in the Top 25% of their age group IN THE WORLD. No small feat considering the general populace that does CrossFit is already elite in relation to the fitness of the general population. We celebrate and recognize the “Classfitters” on a daily basis. I also want to recognize and celebrate these competitors for taking their commitment, fitness and skills to higher level.
The photo above is from one of the 4 workouts that had to be completed and submitted from April 17th to April 22nd. We had 6 competitors complete all 4 workouts. Just the completion of all the workouts is to be applauded since they had to be coordinated with openings in the class schedule and all the personal schedules. Just like when people hit a new Personal Record or unlock a new skill in The Open, the same thing happens in Quarters. Notably, we saw a lot of Clean and Jerk PR’s in addition to new levels of Intensity achieved. Take heart, if/when you make Quarterfinals we will fully support you with gym time and resources to complete the workouts. Check out the workouts HERE.
After Quarters, the top 200 are invited to Semifinals with the top 20-40 going to The CrossFit Games depending on their age group. Mandy was our lone qualifier (151st out of 1651) and completed the last of four workouts on Monday. Before video review she is in 127th out of 200 in Semifinals and out of 12,000 in her age group overall. Check out the workouts HERE.
Mandy (seen below) is a wife, full-time mom to 4 kids, part time nurse, part time soccer coach and set a goal to qualify for Semifinals. It has taken a few years of working on skils and working through injuries to achieve this goal, but she was relentless in its pursuit. The credit is yours Mandy. Congratulations. We are proud of you and celebrate your accomplishment.
Endnote: Mandy’s elite world ranking should now explain her “outlier” scores on the whiteboard that more than one person has noted as remarkable.

What’s Going On?
Murph 2024
Memorial Day
May 27, 2024
Post Murph Potluck Brunch and HS Graduation Party for Nicole
CrossFit Teens – Summer Session
Who: Boys and Girls aged 12-17
Dates: TBD
When: Tuesdays/Thursdays at 4pm
Led by: Coach Rebecca
Overheard in Class:
“I’m not on Quitters Beach.”

The Way of the Champion by: Paul Rabil
“Long before Paul Rabil had become lacrosses’s most acclaimed player, the sport’s first million-dollar man, and the cofounder of the Premier Lacrosse League, he always strove for greatness.
The problem was he lacked a manual for how to achieve it— so, he set out to create one himself. He talked to Bill Belichick about how to prepare, Steph Curry about how to practice, Sue Bird about how to develop resilience, and Mark Cuban about how to build a career with longevity. From the wisdom of these and other legends, and through his own—often painful—trial and error, he forged himself into a true champion. And in doing so, he wrote the manual he always wanted.
The Way of The Champion is the synthesis of everything Rabil learned on his path to becoming one of the greatest lacrosse players of all time. But this is not merely a sports book. It is a guide to embodying a champion’s mindset—in sports, in business, and in relationships.”
Tim’s Takeaway: I have really enjoyed learning the game of lacrosse over the last few years. Paul Rabil is a legend and a ridiculously positive person. So it was natural that I’d love a book by him. This is mostly quick stories and anecdotes about the characteristics and habits of successful people. These are not just lacrosse stories. This book is a collection of small nuggets of truth, encouragement and hope. Check it out if you need some of those.
Thank you for your support.
I look forward to what we will do together.