Hard Work Pays Off

Elena (all black) dropped in at South Tahoe CrossFit.

“Work hard in silence, let success make the noise.”
– Frank Ocean

Deep Squats (Thoughts)

The thing about cliches is that there’s a bit of truth to them. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be worth repeating. Such is the case with “Hard Work Pays Off’. I could spin this a million ways to make it into a success story about anything. Not today.

I want to take a moment to give a shout out to Stacey and Michelle. Multi-year members that decided in September to do a little extra after class in order to do an unassisted pullup. Every Tuesday and Thursday at 8am these ladies would work different variations of pullups after their classk. Strict pullups. Palm facing chinups. Neutral grip pullups. Various bar hangs and holds over the bar. They were open to every suggestion given to them because all they cared about was achieving the goal. And it would take as long as it would take.

And then today happened. Both ladies rang the PR Bell with their first strict pullups. Congratulations, y’all! I wish I had the video of Stacey beating her chest and declaring, “We’re ready for The Open!”

Moments like these are the very things that keep me coming back every day and I hope you can experience some for yourselves. When you do, share them. Write me an email, a text or put it in a Yelp/Google review. Your story has the potential to impact someone else’s life and that’s a powerful thing.

And now in the words of Jocko Willink after giving his troops an “atta-boy/girl”… “Don’t slack off.”

See you in class.

What’s Going On?

New Year, New Teen Class

Who: Boys and Girls aged 12-17
Dates: January 7 – February 27th
When: Tuesdays/Thursdays at 4pm
Led by: Coach Rebecca
*Email [email protected] to sign up*

CrossFit Open
March 1st – March 15th, 2025
9am at CFPA

Overheard in Class:
“Squats are my love language.”

Fed A Lie follows Paul Saladino MD, Nina Teicholz PhD, Chris Knobbe MD and Bethany Hamilton as they expose the truth about seed oils, also known as vegetable oils, and their correlation to the recent rise in obesity and chronic disease.

Tim’s Takeaway: Seed oils are the most processed items in the grocery store. They literally cause cancer and myriad maladies. Food should give you life, not take it. The Standard American Diet will make you sick. Start small with eliminating one new thing a week that you normally eat/drink with seed oil. Then, take notice of any changes. Rinse and repeat.

Thank you for your support.

I look forward to what we will do together.