Quitters Day 2025

Nicole on our first rower in January 2010. (We still have it.)
“Happiness is a direction, not a place.”
– Tony Robbins

Deep Squats (Thoughts)
Quitters Day in 2025 was observed on January 10, which is the second Friday of January and marks the day when many people are likely to give up on their New Year’s resolutions. This day highlights the challenges of maintaining resolutions. Keep that in mind.
The top picture is of my daughter, Nicole, when we got our first rowing machine. It was January, 2010. I found it on Craigslist. Terrible photo quality from my trusty Blackberry. We could only afford one so we had to be creative with putting rowing into workouts. Classes were small with less than 20 total members and a max of 8 in our small space. The rower is still here. (Nicole has shipped out to the Marines.)
The next photo is after a workout in the MWF 7am class in our Grant Ave location circa 2014. Dan, Seth, Eric and Jerry. Just the standard CrossFit recovery position. Jerry is still here and can be found in this position MWF.
Hoon can be seen in the bottom photo and, currently, in TuTh classes. He’s still here after 14+ years.
First, I’m ridiculously thankful for what all these pictures, equipment and people mean. We’ve been showing up and opening the gym for 15+ years. And some of you have been here over 14 years. That is quite an accomplishment for all involved. And yet, it’s not special. We’re not special. None of us. We’re just people with our own goals, vision and purpose. What makes you keep coming back? Maybe it’s been 10+ years or just 10 classes. I’d love to hear from you.
I often wonder what makes people tick. Can I convince people enough that they’ll commit to attending class? Can I use the “right words and phrases”? Do the workouts matter? Does the music keep them coming back? Are my jokes funny? Ultimately, I try not to think about it. I would be way more stressed out trying to please everyone searching google for “gym near me”.
Here’s part of my personal formula for sanity as a gym owner, or even as a regular guy going through life. You are on a journey. We are happy to be a part of it. If even for a little while. Or maybe a dozen years. Every day we commit to providing the best workouts, coaching and environment we can while still trying to get better. I’ve had plenty of screwups, but my intentions are always to help our members experience some success in the gym and carry that into their daily lives.
I used to make my kids come to the gym when they were little. Not anymore. They’re full sized people now. I also can’t make any one of you come to the gym. You have to want what the gym provides. CrossFit is hard. It can be frustrating. It can also be one of the most rewarding and refreshing parts of your life. The gym gives back what’s invested into it. Maybe it’s time to ask yourself what you want and what you’re willing to invest/sacrifice to get it.
Circling back to Quitters Day. Many of you reading this haven’t quit CrossFit. Yay. Though, it’s okay if you do. I really just want you to NOT QUIT on yourself. Keep searching, keep working, keep believing that you can do something to make your current situation BETTER.
Remember, the rower, Jerry, Hoon and our dozens of other 10+ year members didn’t start CrossFit thinking they’d be here that long. They just kept showing up.
See you in class.
What’s Going On?
New Year, New Teen Class
Who: Boys and Girls aged 12-17
Dates: January 7 – February 27th
When: Tuesdays/Thursdays at 4pm
Led by: Coach Rebecca
*Email [email protected] to sign up*
Community Hike & Picnic
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Foothills Nature Preserve
(Orchard Glen Parking Lot)
Contact: Coaches Ali and Andrew for questions
[email protected]
Overheard in Class:
“This is not choose your own adventure.”
The timeless guide to achieving the state of “relaxed concentration” that’s not only the key to peak performance in tennis but the secret to success in life itself—part of the bestselling Inner Game series, with more than one million copies sold!
Tim’s Takeaway: I sometimes think my favorite phrase is saying something is “my favorite”. Regardless, I love the principles of teaching in this book. We use them A LOT in our classes. The challenge will be for someone to call me out on something I have borrowed from this book. It’s a quick read, but so powerful.
Thank you for your support.
I look forward to what we will do together.