Are We There Yet?

“Hard work is love made visible.”
– Unknown
What’s Going On?
Holiday Schedule Changes
12/23-25 – CLOSED
12/31 – CLOSED
1/1/25 – 9am Only – “Murph”
Overheard in Class:
“There’s no points for excuses.”

Deep Squats (Thoughts)
We had another amazing party on Saturday night. Thank you to all that came and contributed. The amount and quality of food is always amazing and delicious. The creativity and humor in the gifts blows me away, too. I really wish I was as funny as y’all are. At the party, I was asked by a longtime member/friend what keeps me going after 15+ years of coaching and running CrossFit Palo Alto. I knew right away because I think about this just about every day when I wake up, when I walk out of my house at 4:45am and when I see everyone at the gym. It’s you. You and the other members. I pointed out all the conversations around us on Saturday night and how awesome it is to see so many different people engaged with each other. There was no music, but it was LOUD with dozens of groups of people and kids eating, talking and laughing. Many years ago there were some members that LOVED CrossFit and wanted to do even more training on the weekends. I found out that this was happening and I was jealous. My feelings (ego) were hurt that I wasn’t included. I was even scared that they’d leave the gym because they didn’t need me. BUT, I was wrong. They never left the gym. In fact, they were/are some of the most devoted members of the gym. I had to realize that they loved each other and wanted to see more of each other. It just so happened that they wanted to do it while working out and hanging out. That was when I saw CFPA as a platform for connection and interaction. CrossFit became more than a workout. CrossFit Palo Alto is more than a gym. It really is a community. You don’t “HAVE” to participate in the parties, special workouts, CrossFit Open or even conversations in class. But, if you do you will unlock new friends, new knowledge and new feelings you have always wanted but didn’t know about. Over the years, I have learned I don’t have to be involved with every conversation at a party or during class. I have also learned to take on the responsibility of fostering, or creating, opportunities for interaction between members. I try to provide opportunity for community to happen without forcing it. Cue the “We’re going to have fun and you’re going to like it!” joke. CrossFit Palo Alto is hard work. The workouts. The coaching. The business. And when we are all working hard together I believe that we can all see the love that is behind it all. So tap into that love when you’re working out, or doing anything, and I believe others will see and feel it. Those feelings will be real. And they will make a difference in the lives of those around us. Lastly, I want to answer the subject line of this email. Are we there yet? In many ways, we are there. There are moments I feel like we’ve made it. And yet, I know that there is still so much work to do on myself, my family, the gym and so on. I’m more than okay with it. I’m encouraged and fired up to see what else we can do. See you in class. |

Thank you for your support.
I look forward to what we will do together.