There Is Still Time

“There’s no such thing as effortless grace.”
Deep Squats (Thoughts)
I shared this video last year. It was tucked away in an email and didn’t get clicked on a lot. Admittedly, I was still figuring out this email thing. (Spoiler Alert: I still am!)
Here’s another chance to learn, or a reminder, that Separation Season is here.
So, in taking Ed’s advice, I worked on getting better this year. For instance, I don’t inundate readers with too many links. I use as many gym member stories as y’all will send me to let you encourage each other. I try to focus on just a few things at a time. I’m trying to get better in small ways. Just like this video.
Ed uses the idea that some will turn a holiday into a holi-week or a holi-month. Instead, use this time to make a difference in your life. Stay aggressive at the end of this year and you’ll be glad you did when January rolls around. We all have parties and extra food during this time. Double down on your commitment to yourself and your family by making it to your classes this month. You won’t be sorry and you’ll create separation with your competition and with your old self.
Let me know what you think and even some of the ways you are “separating” in this season.

What’s Going On?
Annual Thanksgiving Week Closure
No formal classes during the week of Thanksgiving.
3rd Annual Turkey Ruck
Arastradero Preserve
Friday, November 29, 2024
Contact: Coaches Ali and Andrew for questions
[email protected]
CFPA Holiday Party
at the gym
Saturday, December 7, 2024
(White Elephant Exchange)
Overheard in Class:
“The way you live is the way you play.”

Learn how to overcome procrastination and enjoy guilt-free play! One of the most effective programs to combat procrastination.
Featuring a new introduction and a new section providing strategies to understand and deal with the role technology plays in procrastination today, THE NOW HABIT offers a comprehensive plan to help readers lower their stress and increase their time to enjoy guilt-free play. Dr. Fiore’s techniques will help any busy person start tasks sooner and accomplish them more quickly, without the anxiety brought on by the negative habits of procrastination and perfectionism.
Tim’s Takeaway: A great complement to the Separation Season video above. Basically, “DO IT NOW. DO IT NOW. DO IT NOW.”
Thank you for your support.
I look forward to what we will do together.