Another Gym?

“Being afraid, ashamed of, or embarrassed by your feelings is like being afraid of the weather, because emotions (tears, panic attacks, angry outbursts, withdrawal, depression, elation, lust, romantic excitement, euphoria) are the weather conditions of the inner self.” – Tina Tessina
Deep Squats (Thoughts)
Last week I wrote about being busy, but not really thinking deeply at the moment. So, I did what I would tell anyone that emails/talks to me that they aren’t “feeling” like working out. I went to the gym. To clarify, I went to the Mind Gym, meaning I listened to the book of the same name. Even a guy like me that lives and breathes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual training sometimes has to put in some work to get back into it. (I normally use Audible. Then I remembered that Spotify has books, too. So I listened there.)
I have seen more months and years wasted from those that say, “I need to take a break because…” No you don’t. You don’t need a break from the things that are saving you. Nobody takes a break from eating healthy food because they’re just feeling too good and thinking too clearly. “I drink too much water, Tim. Gonna add some alcohol to balance it out.” That’s insane. The permanent break needs to be taken from the trash we put into our bodies and minds. Remember, I’m well versed in putting the “fun” in dysfunctional eating. I speak to you while holding a mirror in front of my face.
Anyways, I was in a bit of a mental rut. So I went back to what I know works. I listened to a positive book with tips, tricks and methods for me to train my mind and got back on track. If you’ve read Mind Gym before, do it again. Take notes. (I use Notes on my phone to write down quotes and ideas. Here’s what stood out to me.
- What are you doing when really on your game?
- How do you do those things?
- Mental rehearsal / visualization
- The power to choose how to react
- What did you learn today? How can it make you better tomorrow?
- Write down goals. With timelines.
- Limits begin where vision ends.
- Positive thinking doesn’t always work. But negative thinking always does.
I thought I had listened to this book before, I hadn’t. But, I will again. I’m sure the next time I’ll find new points that stand out. Because, I will be a different person.
Maybe you’re in a rut. Maybe everything is flowing well. Regardless, keep showing up for yourself. Keep working. The effort is worth it because you are worth it.
How do you get out of a rut? Do you know? Please share your ideas and methods with me and then they may be able to help others.

What’s Going On?
SF Giants Baseball Game
When: September 28, 1:05pm
Where: San Francisco
Who: CFPA members/friends/family
Cost: $27/person
Opponent: St. Louis Cardinals
CrossFit Teens – Fall Session
Who: Boys and Girls aged 12-17
Dates: October 1st – November 21st
When: Tuesdays/Thursdays at 4pm
Led by: Coach Rebecca
*Email [email protected] to sign up*
Coaching Opportunities at CFPA
Ever think about coaching? Maybe you know someone that would be a great coach.
Let’s have a conversation.
Send me an email: [email protected]
Overheard in Class:
“Never mistake activity for achievement.”
In Mind Gym, noted sports psychology consultant Gary Mack explains how your mind influences your performance on the field or on the court as much as your physical skill does, if not more so. Through forty accessible lessons and inspirational anecdotes from prominent athletes–many of whom he has worked with–you will learn the same techniques and exercises Mack uses to help elite athletes build mental “muscle.” Mind Gym will give you the “head edge” over the competition.
Tim’s Takeaway: See Deep Squats above.
Thank you for your support.
I look forward to what we will do together.