Do Hard Things
“Strength comes from stress, not from being comfortable.”
— Dave Ramsey
Tim’s Deep Squats (Thoughts)
We have a clue for 24.1!!!
Fresh from @thedavecastro ranch. We have a psychedelic Mario Brothers or Smurf mushroom.
What can it mean? What is your guess?
Each week we will have a contest for whoever can most accurately predict the 2024 Open workout that week. Guess the movements, the numbers, the time domain and YOU can win. There will be a weekly prize for closest prediction.
Post your prediction on INSTAGRAM or to the CrossFit Palo Alto Facebook Page for that week, starting now up until Thursday at 12pm PST. If your guess is closest, you earn a prize and bragging rights all day Saturday. To be eligible, just be a CrossFit Palo Alto member and be registered for The Open. Here’s your chance to win The Open!
Week 1 predictions start NOW! 3-2-1…GO!
If winning a prize on Saturday morning isn’t motivating enough, here are a few thoughts from my dear friend, Craig Howard, Owner of Diablo CrossFit in Pleasant Hill.
“I think the biggest reasons why many people do the Open are:
Support for the gym and CrossFit communities. If other members are doing it, so will we.
Doing hard things makes us better people. A CrossFit Open workout may be the hardest thing we do in life – which makes us more resilient for other challenges we face in life.
To test our fitness against the rest of the world, and especially against our past selves. Checking the leaderboard the week after the workout is a thrill.
Most of all, I think we all love to share the amazing experiences of the Open: the camaraderie, the high-fives & fist bumps, the PRs and ultimately, the meaningful personal connections & memories we make with our friends.
Sign up for the Open. You’ll be glad you did.”
What’s Going On?
The CrossFit Open
When: March 2nd, 9th, 16th
Saturday mornings at 9am
CrossFit Teens Has Started!
Who: Boys and Girls aged 12-17
Dates: February 6 – March 28, 2024
When: Tuesdays/Thursdays at 4pm
Led by: Coach Ali (Email for info.)
Overheard in Class:
“It’s okay. That’s how I started, too.”

(Pro Tip: Watch/Listen at 1.5-2.0X speed to save time.)
Dr Rhonda Patrick is an biomedical scientist, researcher and a fitness podcaster.
Determining the best actions to take for enhancing our health and extending our lives has grown more challenging. There are an unlimited number of wellness approaches at our disposal, thankfully Dr Patrick has dedicated her professional life to identifying the most evidence-based strategies for improving our health and longevity.
Expect to learn if low omega 3s are worse for you than smoking cigarettes, what Rhonda’s thoughts are on vaping and nicotine, the best foods to boost your metabolism, the once a week workout that can de-age your heart by 20 years, how to get the benefits of heat exposure if you don’t have a sauna, the terrifying health risks of being too sedentary and much more…
Also available on any podcast platform on the Modern Wisdom show.
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