Get Fit. Save Money.

“Do you want to be right? Or do you want to be happy?”

— Marriage Proverb

Deep Squats (Thoughts)

With it being January and new healthcare plans kicking into gear I want to remind you of ways you can save money on your CFPA membership.

You could save up to 30% on your membership fees by getting reimbursed from your Healthcare Savings Account or Flexible Spending Account.

Truemed is a company that has partnered with CrossFit HQ to help members use their HSA/FSA money to pay for CrossFit memberships.

What is the process?

Use the following link to take a four-minute health survey.
 Pay $30.

(CFPA gets $0 for this.)

If exercise can help prevent or reverse a health condition they identified, you’ll be pre-approved for HSA/FSA reimbursement. A Truemed medical provider will review the information remotely and email you a Letter of Medical Necessity (document affirming eligibility). You are then compliant to reimburse your expenses to yourself – just as you would any other health expense.

CFPA is not involved in the process. Membership fees are paid with the normal method. This allows you to be reimbursed with pretax money, which is where the savings comes from. Your HSA/FSA credit cards cannot be processed through ZenPlanner. It’s been tried.

What if I have questions or need support?

Email them at [email protected]

NOTE: We know that many of you also receive reimbursement from your employer for gym fees. Please reach out to us if you need help getting those receipts.

What’s Going On?


The CrossFit Games Open competition is the world’s largest annual online fitness competition. It is a 3 week competition that begins on Thursday, February 29th and ends March 18th. More than 400,000 athletes are expected to register in 2024. CrossFit will release ONE workout each week on Thursdays and scores must be submitted by the following Monday. The workouts are scalable for every athlete! 

CFPA has a long history of participation in the Open and the CrossFit Games (the final competition to determine the fittest athlete on Earth). Hundreds of our members have participated in the Open since its inception in 2011.

For 3 weeks, we’ll come together on Saturday mornings to do the Open Workouts at CFPA. The energy is very high and everyone has a blast as we do the workout and celebrate our efforts. It’s an exciting and fun experience.

CLICK HERE: “What is The CrossFit Open and Why Should I Sign Up?”

Overheard in Class:

“Don’t use ‘em up.”


Scarcity Brain: “Our world is overloaded with everything we’re built to crave. The fix for scarcity brain isn’t to blindly aim for less. It’s to understand why we crave more in the first place, shake our worst habits, and use what we already have better. Then we can experience life in a new way—a more satisfying way.”

This is a great follow up to The Comfort Crisis and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. No MAJOR breakthroughs for me, but definitely some nuanced tips that can help.

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Send me your influences. Music? Books? Movies? Series?